Non-Research Funding Requests

PURPOSE: One of the missions of the Hawaii Pediatric Association Research & Education Foundation (HPAREF) is to support pediatric-focused endeavors by faculty members of the UH JABSOM Department of Pediatrics, other JABSOM faculty, Pediatric Trainees (residents or fellows), medical students, graduate students, and undergraduate students. Non-research funds are meant to support projects that promote education and services benefiting the Children and Youth of Hawaii. Support for programs & projects are available for faculty and trainee/student proposals.

NON-RESEARCH REQUEST LIMITATIONS: Hawaii Pediatric Association Research & Education Foundation (HPAREF) generally does not support general operating expenses, fundraising campaigns, education conferences & trips, and funds that will be redistributed to other charitable organizations. Requests are generally limited to one per 12-month period, per requestor.

*Required Field

General Inquiries